I’ve got a case of the Mondays. Fortunately, there’s a cure. Actually several cures. Wanna know what they are?
1. Sluggy Freelance! Always completely insane and guaranteed to jolt the brain in a different direction. (If you’ve never read Sluggy before, check out the viewer’s guide. There is method to the madness.)
2. iTunes. Energetic and upbeat or melodic and soothing, there’s always something that’s right to change a mood.
3. Listing out all the things I’ve accomplished and all the good things I have to be excited about. Kills the blahs.
4. Taking a nice walk. Miles of trail right outside my back door. Not only does a good walk get more oxygen to my brain, it releases endorphins and is now scientifically proven to cure real depression. Mondays don’t stand a chance.
5. The world is full of good books. I can always enjoy a story and keep my enthusiasm for my profession alive.
6. Writing out affirmations such as “I accomplish all my work today with energy, enthusiasm and endurance.”

BIAW wrapped up yesterday and I got so much done. Last week was just huge on the event scale and I was still very, very productive. I’m really happy about that. Didn’t quite finish revising Dangerous, but considering everything else I got done, I’m not going to whine. I’m thrilled to have it nearly done and Spell out the door.

I also came across something pretty funny in my bookshelves. I’d forgotten I had a book signed by Jennifer Crusie wishing me well on my contemporary romantic comedy, Love and Rockets. I found it the week L&R released! One of those funny synchronicity moments.

Back to work time. If you have a sure cure for the Mondays, share it with me!