After finishing off the Vikings and shoving them off in their longboat, I got up to the chapter about the wavering step in 7 Steps, and read about the four things that can get you stuck there. Perfectionism is one. I get around perfectionism when I write because I separate my analytical brain from my creative brain. But in revisions, it gets me.

I think I may join the Uber Challenge and work on getting through analytical processes without falling into perfectionism. I’d like that part of the process to be more enjoyable, or at least less miserable. I’d also like to get through it quicker even when revisions are extensive. I’ve come up with a few tricks over the last year that speed it up, but I still spent way too much time on this last project and I need to be more efficient.

Happy New Year to all! And here’s to good things (and good books) in 2006.