And what a fantastic review. I can feel my head swelling! Reviewer Morgan gives it an 8 and says, “Wolf in Shining Armor is exactly what a book should be, a pleasure to read. It is not the same old boy meets girl story, far from it. A must buy for the Syneca cover art alone—buy it and see what I mean. When you feel like something totally different, reach for Charlene Teglia’s Wolf in Shining Armor, it will satisfy your craving.”

You can read the whole thing here. Thank you, Novel Spot!

Edited to add: I forgot I’m at RTB today. I can be forgiven for forgetting, considering the month we’ve had.

Here’s a quote from the public information statement (US Severe Weather) on our November:”Rarely does a single month leave such a vast impression on the collective weather records for an entire region.”  Yeah, and it’s left a  big mess to clean up, too.  Anyway, there you have it,  a record-breaking bad month.  I figure the rest of the  year has to be clear to  balance the scales!