So, while I’m continuing to work in Fast Draft form, I thought I’d pause and post my thoughts on why it’s effective. It sounds insane on the surface; no time to write? Write 20 pages a day for two weeks! You don’t magically get more time or energy during those two weeks. Yet, the pages get done. Why? How?

First of all, it’s short term. If I told myself I had to write 20 pages a day every day forever I’d probably have a nervous breakdown on the spot. Also, without interruptions in the workflow the story is able to gain momentum. Start and stop is the worst way to write, for me at least. Every time I’m interrupted, I have to start all over again. It’s excruciating and progress is nearly invisible, which is discouraging. With Fast Draft, I have no interruptions. I build up momentum once and keep it. And I have lots of measurable progress every day, which is exciting and it builds my enthusiasm to keep going. Because I can see it’s working.

Possibly most importantly, there’s no time to second-guess and because it’s only one day’s work I’m a lot more willling to charge ahead knowing I may have taken a wrong turn that I’ll have to cut later if it doesn’t work.

For instance, I came up with a fix that resolved my lack of conflict (hero and heroine’s goals were too similar and they wanted to live happily ever after in chapter one). The next morning, I looked at my fix and thought, “that will never work”. Then I thought, well, write it anyway. If I go forward with this and it doesn’t work, I’ll find that out. I was willing to waste 20 pages because of the production mindset. In 2 pages here and there fits and starts writing, I didn’t feel I could afford to waste ANY because the clock was ticking and ever word counted.

And yes, the fix worked. It drove the entire plot and produced some absolutely brilliant stuff. That I would have chickened out on and not done, pretty much guaranteed, if I wasnt doing Fast Draft.

I can see that this is an invaluable tool for me, at least. I will continue to utilize Fast Draft and I think it’ll probably allow me to achieve my dream of taking a vacation this year. If I can be more efficient and get the work done faster it’s a lot more likely that I can actually take time off.