Jordan reminded me that I have a new book in print with her post about books to buy. I got the announcement that it was in the EC warehouse, but since it hadn’t shown up on Amazon, and because I’ve been up to my eyeballs in work all month, I sort of put it out of mind.

But here it is, officially for sale! Catalyst! This book was my Hurricane Katrina fund-raiser, in case anybody wonders why it was self-published. I did raise some $$ for those in dire need, and I will be glad I did until my dying day. I wish I could have done more.

“This is a fun read. Veronica is a well-written character with insecurities that will be familiar to many. And the entry of Sebastian, the pet from hell, as a protagonist, is a lot of fun.” – Romantic Times BookClub

“Catalyst was a wonderfully well-written, absolutely darling, love story. Catalyst is the first book I have ever read by Ms. Teglia, and it won’t be the last.” – Joyfully Reviewed

4.5 Blue Ribbons “Charlene Teglia’s CATALYST is fast paced, a pleasure to read, and will have you smiling through to the end.” – Romance Junkies


If Veronica Jones’ prince is coming, he’s lost her address. Resigned to the single life, she buys a house and settles down with her man-hating cat. But single doesn’t have to mean celibate, especially with her sexy new neighbor on the scene. Determined to get a life that includes an affair to remember, she had no idea what she was getting into.


They fit together perfectly. Just as she’d known they would. With a soft sigh, Veronica abandoned herself to the moment and laid her cheek against his chest, luxuriating in the male scent of him.

His hands were cradling her hips now, strong fingers moving in slow, sensual strokes designed to arouse and tease her, fitting her closer against him until she could feel the jut of his masculine arousal.

It made her knees weak to know she affected him so strongly. He wanted her, and the knowledge was a powerful aphrodisiac. She knew he could feel her uneven pulse and the thousand subtle signals her body gave in response. She felt languid, liquid, receptive. Wanting him.

His lips brushed her hairline in a tender caress that heightened rather than diffused the unspoken admission of raw desire between them, and the sweetness mingled with aching sexuality made her shiver.

Scott slid one hand up her back to wrap in her hair, tugging her head back, and she arched to meet his first exploring kiss.

Sensual nibbles teased her lower lip as he coaxed her into opening for the brush of his tongue between lips softened by drugging kisses. He teased, tasted and tempted. And then he claimed and devoured, drawing her into a world of need and want.

Kissing her was everything Scott had dreamed it would be. He heard bells.

Bells. The soufflé.