This is one of the baby’s current sayings. “Cookie me!” Said in this sad, desperate voice, as if her world will end if she doesn’t get a cookie. Naturally, she gets a cookie every time.

We were trying to figure out how many words are in her vocabulary now and it’s pretty extensive. She’s using very simple sentences (“hold you” “cookie me”) and mostly one word at a time, but she knows a lot of them. And it seems like there are new words every day.

It’s kind of funny to go through the grocery store with her in the backpack shouting, “Flowers! Flowers!” and pointing at all the spring decorations. Meanwhile, the toddler is helping us find all the items on the list and put them into the cart. Not so long ago she was in the backpack.

It really hit me how fast they’re growing when I saw that the toddler’s head came above the handle on the grocery cart. She’s that tall? Already? What happened to the little 18 month old who would stand in front of the cupboard where the cookies where kept and point until I got her a cookie?

Fortunately, they don’t outgrow cookies. At least, I haven’t. *g*