is a snippet from Wicked Hot. Unedited, may contain all sorts of errors. Read at your own risk. Get more Monday poetry here!

“Oh. That.” I tried for a light tone while inside I went very still. Lust for battle and women, and a voracious appetite for both, that was the history of his race. “Is this why you’re oh so careful around your student witch?”

It would explain his restraint, and his attempt to use me to discourage her.

Dal gave an abrupt nod. “She’s human. Fragile.”

“Mmm.” I made a neutral noise that could be taken for agreement. “You know, human women have been surviving male lust for centuries. Some even enjoy it.”

The fire popped and a log settled inside the stove. The sounds made Dal turn away from me again. He was quiet long enough for me to wonder what would happen if the twin lusts for sex and violence ran together. Maybe they had, in the past. Gilgamesh had taken an axe to Lilitu.

I did a surreptitious sweep for potential weapons in the room. I didn’t see any. Then again, if he had one of those invisible swords I wouldn’t know it was there until I felt it. At which point it would be kind of late to duck.

I spotted a baseball pennant tacked up on one wall and latched onto it for a change of topic. “So. How about those Mariners?”

Dal laughed. “Unless your boss made a deal we don’t know about, I don’t think they’re going to win this year.”