I joined Ficlets. I wanted to do something fun and interactive and Not For Profit to flex my creative muscles. Since I already have a LJ account, it was easy to join and I achieved Ficlet Nirvana (precisely 1,024 characters) on my first go.

Here it is, The Gazebo. Inspired by an actual continually reassambling/disassembling gazebo we pass frequently. I said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if the reason it won’t stay up is he’s building that on a portal to hell and demons keep wrecking it when they come through?” And thus, a ficlet is born.

Edited to add: I broke my theme. This is why I procrastinate on updating my “coming soon” and “new releases” in the sidebar. 🙁 On the bright side, I updated. Hopefully the husband can fix whatever I broke in the process…

Edited again to add: Husband fixed it. Made lots of comments about how my site must get ported to Drupal so these problems won’t happen.