1. PBW pushed me off the fence I was sitting on, and I’ve downloaded Marjorie Liu’s Tiger Eye game. It’s very fun, cool music, great graphics, and fun puzzles. Given that the first computer game I ever bought started with “You are in a dark room” and the second one came with Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, this is right up my alley.

2. Oklahoma has gone insane. Check your news source and be amazed with me; doctors are now exempt from lawsuits for practicing irresponsible medicine on pregnant women not to mention committing fraud. Because it’s fraud to have women pay for expensive prenatal testing only to lie to them about the results. Women of OK, this is not OK. You need to be informed, because you need to know if your baby needs an NICU standing by when you give birth, or a specialist lined up for your baby’s care (it can take months to get an appointment), or if you will need to plan on not returning to work after the birth to care for a special needs child, or if you will need more help during your postpartum recovery. These are not minor issues. I would love to see every genius who voted for this handed a special needs baby to care for for a day and see how they like having it sprung on them, except that would be a cruel thing to do to a baby, hand it to somebody who had no idea how to meet their special needs and no time to learn before being faced with the job.

3. I did a mountain of laundry today. Probably at least Rushmore sized.

4. There is some amazing dirt that collects in gutters over the winter.

5. I’m still pissed at Oklahoma.