Travel done, the hobbits are home and waiting for the moving truck. It’s kind of interesting living in an empty house; I sort of like the experience. I have a chance to really get to know the space and think about how to use it.

I picked up a headcold on the road, which is like wrapping your brain in cotton batting and doesn’t make for brilliant blog posts, but I did read this week’s Chapter 6 of the Artist’s Way, which has to do with money. Not just money but what abundance and luxury mean by our own individual definitions. 

This is a really good topic for anybody to think about at any time, even through cotton batting. Some of the best things in life really are free, or cost very little. It can be as simple as making a decision to treat ourselves better that makes the difference, not waiting until that raise or that sale happens first.

One of the statements that really resonated with me from this week’s chapter:

“Always leave enough time in your life to do something that makes you happy, satisfied, even joyous. That has more of an effect on economic well-being than any other single factor.” Paul Hawken