No, not writer’s organizations. Although I am getting my NINC application in this spring. The other kind of organization, figuring out schedules and timelines and so on. I was handling scheduling pretty well with one child, but with two I’m finding I need a lot more slush. Things come up I can’t anticipate and sometimes can’t work around. So once I turn in MLH for good, I’m going to go over the rest of the year and what I realistically think I can do. Some projects might get shuffled off to 07.

Here are promo type events I have coming up:

I will be doing a spring and a fall signing at the Silverdale, Washington Waldenbooks. Dates to be announced. Spring (May) will be The Gripping Beast, Love and Rockets and any copies of Legendary Tails II still hanging around. Fall will be Miss Lonely Hearts and Catalyst. (And any other backlist titles available). I’d love to do more, but the small people mean how far I can go and for how long is pretty limited. So for now, I’m planning close to home.

April 3rd, I’m doing a chat day on Love Romances.

April 6th the Samhain authors are doing a chat on The Pink Posse from 5-6 p.m. my time (PST).

May 1st I’ll be doing a chat with two other Samhain authors on Romance Junkies from 6-7 p.m. my time (PST).

I’m also putting together stuff for an RT ad, ordering bookmarks (yes, I’m breaking down on that one; I’ve been convinced that they’re not useless), and I got my next RTB column written. There’s a lot of business related to writing that isn’t actual writing that has to get done.

So like I said, when I wrap up Miss Lonely Hearts I’m going to go over my projects and my time and see what I’m going to get done in the remainder of 06.