Whee Time Magazine plus Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain

First, Wheee! Time Magazine suggests you cowboy up and read. Cowboy Lust (contains my ROPED) is included in Time Magazine’s Summer Reading issue! This means that the connected story I set up in Roped kind of needs to get done now to take advantage of the exposure. Hadn’t planned for that to be a priority so soon but when the unexpected happens, priorities shuffle.

Second, pay no attention to that man behind the curtains, but this site has long needed to transition to Drupal 7 and the time is now. A shiny new Drupal 7 build which includes Drupal Commerce is in the works. Drupal Commerce will allow me to sell my own titles directly, so I can do things I’ve wanted to do for some time here, such as offer signed copies of print books, direct downloads of my e-titles, etc. The offerings will be very limited to begin with, but I’ll be adding backlist titles of mine as they come out of contract and I re-release them along with new work. Exciting times!

5 neat things on the interwebs

1. The Shiba Inu puppies are back. Awww.

2. Neal Stephenson wants to revolutionize sword fighting in video games. Check out the kickstarter and re-read Snow Crash.

3. What’s your muppet type, Chaos or Order?

4. Don’t know what to do with that kale from your CSA? Cooking Light has 14 recipes for you. 

5. If writing is starting to seem all adult and heavy, check out
this short film
and revisit the world of your inner child’s imagination.

Goodnight Mr. Bradbury

Via IO9, Ray Bradbury has left us for the stars. Or the October country.

I read pretty much everything the man wrote except his screenplays. His stories burrowed into my brain and remain there as an example of what story is and why you should say to hell with anybody who laughs at your love of dinosaurs or circuses.

Goodnight, Mr. Bradbury, and thank you for leaving a light on.