Wild Wild West’s discussion questions are up at the Cherry Forum’s Bookclub, discussion opening Nov. 15. Currently the bookclub is discussing the fabulous Cathy Mulvaney’s Something Wicked. Cathy is a smart and innovative author and a tough act to follow. I’ll have to tapdance a lot.

The Wicked Writers Halloween Contest is underway with a trick or treat bag of fabulous prizes! Join Wicked Writers and answer a few questions (answers found on author websites) to win lots of Wicked reading.

Finally, I am pondering heat ratings. TwoLips reviewed Ellora’s Cavemen Seasons of Seduction III and rated us 4.5 Kisses and a Red Hot Chili Pepper. This is, interestingly, the same heat rating they gave Yule Be Mine, which is published under the Ellora’s Cave mainstream imprint as hot but not erotic. Catalyst, under the same imprint, has also been listed as erotic by reviewers. And Miss Lonely Hearts, just released, isn’t listed as Red Hot, although it has multiple explicit sex scenes that include bondage (handcuffs) and the use of sex toys. So…how helpful are heat ratings?

In my own opinion, all of my books are erotic romances. Some have more explicit language than others, some have more, um, innovative elements, but all of them are what I consider erotic; nothing below the heat level you’d find in a Blaze or Brava. And yet they are labeled everything from “romance” to “erotica”. I think it’s the kind of thing that by its nature is hard to define.

Of course, I think everybody should read Miss Lonely Hearts and come back to discuss whether or not it’s an erotic romance. :mrgreen: 😉

Happy Halloween! If you’re going out tonight, stay safe and warm.