I’ve been getting questions about what I’m going to do with Wishmasters, and the answer is, I’m not sure yet. I got so much feedback about the Take Me Lover series that were basically “I wanted these to be full length novels, not novellas” that I’m seriously considering doing Wishmasters as a series of 3 books instead of a 3-novella anthology with an over-arching plotline. When your readers (and your editors) tell you that they want to spend more time with your characters and in your world, that’s something to listen to. A novel gives me a lot more space to take things deeper, add more complications, tell a story more thoroughly. There are things you just can’t do in the space of a novella. This is not to say the Take Me Lover stories aren’t complete in themselves. They are; they’re just not novels. And what I’m hearing is that readers want more novels from me.

I had my reasons for doing Take Me as a novella series in the first place, and if I had it to do again, I probably would do the same thing. But I have the opportunity to re-tool Wishmasters before I send it out again, and writing them as a 3 book series would definitely let me do a lot more with the plot and the world and the characters. But then I’d have to find a taker for a novel trilogy, because there is an over-arching plotline and I’d want to contract all 3 together to make sure I could complete the story. And then I have to consider the Shadow Guardians and how many books I can write in a year. And there are also other projects I’d like to do.

So many books, so little time. I’d better live forever. Anyway, Wishmasters fans, I am giving serious thought to how best to pursue this project to everybody’s satisfaction and finding it a home.