I’ve been having issues with Gmail lately; I find legit emails in my spam folder. When I try to move them to my inbox, they go away. And if I don’t check spam often enough, the system deletes them. So I don’t know how many legit emails I may have missed. Since my business is mainly done via email, this isn’t good. I’ve had issues in the past, which led to my switch to gmail. Will try to get this resolved, but if I can’t, I’ll be looking for another solution. Eeek.

Meanwhile, the 5 messages I just tried to “unspam” from spam have vanished into an electronic void. If you haven’t heard back from me, please email again.

Editing to add: if you have Gmail and have had the same issue, here’s what the husband told me. When a message is moved out of spam, it loses its label, so it ends up in “all mail”. I did go searching through “all mail” and eventually found the messages I’d tried to liberate from Spam yesterday, but you really have to wade.