We are now officially halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Notice the longer days yet? We have! It’s getting very hard to convince a toddler that it really is her bedtime when the sun is still shining. And you should see the weeds shooting up. Gardening is a full-contact sport here on the Olympic Peninsula and I think our team is losing.

The Romantic Times convention seems to have been a great success. JC Wilder has a great record of the goings-on in her journal. I love all the photos of the Ellora’s Cavemen models that have been posted around the web. They seem a very good-natured as well as good-looking crew. And I’m wildly envious that JC got to meet Laurell K. Hamilton, who was giving a workshop.

One more week to Mother’s Day. I wonder if there’s an FTD donut bouquet? Just wondering. You know. Idle contemplation.

Dangerous news; if you belong to the Romance Junkies bookclub, you will have your opportunity to win a copy of Dangerous Games sitting in your inbox. The contest ends next Saturday (day before Mother’s Day) so enter and good luck to you!