Scrolling through my webstats, I see that somebody found my site by searching for “belly-shooting boy”. What the? Can I even use that in a sentence? It’s not a term I’ve ever heard before and one wonders how a search engine returned me as a response. Mysterious are the ways of the internet.

Anyway, now I’m wondering what in the world a belly-shooting boy is and if there’s a porn site out there somewhere dedicated to them. Probably. You wouldn’t believe the results I got when I searched on an innocent word like boots. Or maybe you would.

So just in case anybody is reading this and feeling deeply disappointed that this is not the site you were looking for, I did actually strive to use the term in a sentence just to see if I could. Maybe that will console you as your endless search continues.

To sum up, this is not a site dedicated to boys or bellies or shooting, although all three topics may be covered individually or together as they relate to writing. Such as the blog entry about Joe* crawling on his belly while shooting at the cowboys in black hats. But as a general rule, this is not in fact a source for in-depth information about belly-shooting boys.

*No cowboys, named Joe or otherwise, were harmed in the writing of the above-mentioned blog entry.