Yet another oddball thing about life in Port Townsend; come November with the dropping temperatures and rising winds coming in off the Straits, the surfers hit the beach. Clad in wetsuits from head to toe (don’t want the icy water followed by the icy wind hitting your bare head), they congregate on North Beach and paddle out to the waves. Very likely they imbibe a hefty dose of internal anti-freeze in addition to the external Neoprene before plunging into the water, because they really seem to enjoy it.

And a tip to follow up yesterday’s note about the vet crisis; if your pet, or the pet of someone you love, should be afflicted with fleas, don’t waste time and money buying collars and shampoo and powder over the counter at the grocery store. Just go straight to the vet. You’ll end up there anyway, might as well skip the middle steps and save yourself a lot of coins in the Swear Jar when said over the counter remedies prove about as useful as a bubble gum wrapper condom.