Woke up to the sound of fog horns so we knew without opening the blinds that it was a foggy morning. It’s actually nice, the fog makes everything look mysterious and secretive. When we take our usual walk, sometimes the San Juan Islands are hidden in fog. Sometimes the fog bank is right at the edge of the water so when we look down over the bluff at the Straits it looks like the edge of the world. And some mornings, like this one, whisps of fog infiltrate the neighborhood, wrap around the trees and make the neighboring houses look much farther away.

I’ve been writing away on my Valentine story. Not what I’m “supposed” to be doing next, but a short piece might be a good way to warm up to doing the next novel, getting me out of “edit” mode. I’ve also switched to a workstyle that seems to suit my current needs, doing 2-3 sessions of writing instead of one big one. This includes a midnight session, since I keep waking up in the middle of the night for about an hour and I figured I might as well be productive if I can’t sleep. That seems to be working well for me and I’ll keep going with it through the Valentine novella, letting that be my test.