My cry for help answered

Thank you, Elizabeth! I am now the happy recipient of excellent recipes for brownies, cookies, and best of all (drumroll) donuts that taste just like Krispy Kreme. Hooray!

Aside from salivating over recipes, I’ve had a busy day. Worked on my blurb and series title, went for a walk with my husband and our daughter (we usually walk every day but just recently we’ve had several days of too-cold weather) and did errands. I also cleaned off my desk; I had a pile of papers that needed to be sorted. Some of them needed to be filed but an astonishing percentage just needed to be thrown away.

I now have a full wastebasket and a clean desk. I feel very prepared for Monday.

ARGH! No Junk Food!

If you want organic produce, this is your heaven. If you are a pregnant woman craving junk food, you must face the cruel fact that you are 1.5 hours from the nearest Krispy Kreme.

I told Pat I wanted brownies the other day. He said, “Well, I could probably find some at The Co-Op, but they’d be “live” brownies with bean curd.” And he wasn’t joking. If you want live, organic, whole grain, or any other crunchy granola Birkenstock wearing kind of cuisine, Port Townsend is for you.

The rest of us dream of Taco Bell, chocolate shakes, Krispy Kreme donuts, chocolate chunk cookies that have never breathed the same air as tofu and no horrified onlookers who think a pregnant woman eating junk food needs an intervention, not a glass of milk to wash it down.

Oh, well. I can always get a good certified Angus beef cheeseburger on a sprouted-grain bun, or a free-range chicken sandwich with bleach-free recycled paper napkins to mop up my tears.

Book stuff and graduation day

Along with the other stuff I’m doing for the final push on Love and Rockets, I’m told I need to come up with a series name, because I’d told my editor that there was a sequel. Evidently they’ve seen enough from me to trust the quality of my work, because the series name is going on Love and Rockets. This is a lovely vote of confidence and means that the sequel goes to the top of my To Do list after my edits, proofing, etc. are all done. Huzzah!

And yesterday our little girl officially graduated from toddler bed to a real twin bed. She was delighted with it, climbed all over it during the day after we set it up, and didn’t protest being put into it at bedtime, so we figured it was safe to let her sleep in it right off. She slept through the night, then got up and started playing like she usually does in the morning, perfectly happy with the change. She was really ready for it.

Hard to believe how much she’s grown, how tall she is now. She really is going to be the BIG sister by the time the new Teglia makes an appearance!

P&E readers poll closes tomorrow!

If you haven’t already cast your vote for best ebook of 2004, click on over and be counted before the polls close midnight of Jan. 14. Yule Be Mine is listed in the nominations and so is the cover artwork.

You must give a valid email address and click the validation link in the auto email you’re sent after voting for your vote to count.

Incoming, incoming, outgoing

Love and Rockets is coming my way for a final look-see. Dangerous Games is coming my way for edits. And I’m filling out the cover art request for Dangerous to send in today. I know exactly how I’d like it to look, the trick is to describe it so the art department can envision the same thing. E.C.’s art department is terrific and it’s great to actually get input into the cover. This is often not the case in the world of publishing.

Filling out the cover request means I need to pull up the ms. and check my details, so it’s actually a task that takes a little time to do right. That, the final Rockets look-see and the edits on Dangerous should do a good job of keeping me out of trouble for the near future!