One week until Rockets releases. WOW, what a long time coming! It’s hard to believe it’s almost here. I loved the line edits on this book, btw. Nothing like pulling up flags to read, “Great sentence!” “Hilarious!” It made the process actually fun. And if you can entertain editors, who do this stuff morning, noon and night, it’s a hopeful sign for readers.

Speaking of entertaining editors, my wonderful EC editor emailed me this morning to tell me she ponied up her hard-earned cash to buy a copy of Yule Be Mine and LOVED it. I was so wowed. It’s not like she doesn’t have enough reading to do without seeking it out! I’m very happy that she likes my humor so much that she went out of her way to read more of it. (Yeah, I know the blog’s not all that funny but my fiction is. That’s because in my blog, I think. When I write fiction, I don’t think.)

And an update on Dangerous Games, it looks like tentatively an April release date. Not confirmed, rumor stage only. I won’t be posting any date for Dangerous on the front page until it’s set. But that’s what we’re shooting for.

Today’s RTB column on the freebie sluts made me laugh out loud, btw. Click on my columnist button to read it!

And my final thought for today: I don’t know where my brain was yesterday, but it wasn’t until late last night that I realized RWA just DID this whole “redefining romance” business. Seriously. Added a new Rita category and everything. Whyinhell are we doing this again?