Post-project letdown seems to be an inevitable part of my creative cycle. Part of coping with it is expecting it and being prepared. Here are some of the things I do to cope:

Since I know I’m going to feel tired and more prone to self-doubt than usual, I rest and make affirmations about the work that I’ve finished. I pronounce the work good. I always strive to do my best and I affirm that. I remind myself that I felt this way the last time and will the next time and it has nothing to do with how well I did my job.

I do things to recharge my batteries, like taking longer-than-usual walks and catching up on my reading. If there’s a book I’ve been looking forward to curling up with, than reading that is a special reward for completing my project. When I’m working, I use the time between putting the toddler to bed and the time I go to bed to get pages done. When I’m not working, that’s time I get to spend on me.

This morning I finally finished reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (yeah, it only took me 6 months) and the last chapter really describes how to keep going for the long term. Covey calls it sharpening the saw. I don’t see that phrase becoming part of my vocabulary. It sounds a little too much like the writer in The Shining. So I’ll just stick with saying that I recharge myself by getting some rest, reading and getting outside more. ; )