Back when I first decided it was time to get serious about my writing and sending it out, I did something that made an enormous difference. I vowed that every day I would do one thing to advance my goals. It could be reading an article on the business, a chapter of a book on the craft, writing a query letter, a page of a story, anything. As long as it was something that would move me forward, it counted.

The BIAW group I’m in now has the same philosophy; anything you do to move towards the goal counts. It is absolutely amazing how those little daily efforts pile up. It’s so easy to think that if you don’t have four hours or even one hour every day to devote to your goals, that you might as well not bother. Whatever time you have, use it. It matters! Five minutes can mean the difference between a day that ends in frustration because you’re no closer to your goal than the day before and satisfaction because you did one thing, however little.

This thought brought to you by the fact that so far today’s achievement is putting stuff into an envelope and getting it addressed correctly. Small thing, yes, but it’s a small step in the right direction.

Death of comments: we’ve given up the spam war. Even though they can’t post now, spammers are using up a lot of bandwidth trying and there’s a price tag attached to that. If I exceed a certain limit, I have to upgrade the type of webhosting account I have and while I’m happy to do that for readers, I’m not doing it for spammers. So for those of you who would like to comment, use the Contact form on my site and the comment will be posted manually.