Got an email from my editor that the official release date and ISBN for Dangerous Games are coming soon. Drool. Slobber. BTW, the official final form excerpt and blurb will go on the site shortly, the webmaster (husband) has been really busy.

Plotting away on both my official BIAW project and another story that showed up unasked for. I had to write down the concept, of course, lest I forget it, and file it in the appropriate folder so that I can find it when I’m ready to work on it.

I have to say the experience of writing Spell is pretty helpful on the next story of the same size. It helps me see where the turning point scenes should go, approximately, and reminds me that I don’t write my initial scenes in order so I shouldn’t expect them to be sequential. Which is good, because so far none of ’em are. For some reason this process seems less messy in a novel, but that’s probably because with this short length to work with I am terribly conscious of the structure, and with a novel I know I have plenty of room. Also, it just seems like if it’s short I should be able to write it in order. Ha. I think I spent half the time on Spell figuring out what went where.