
Outstanding review for Love and Rockets from Mon Boudoir. Reviewer Sarah says “What a witty and enchantingly different read!” and gives it a 5.0 overall rating with a 5.0 for sensuality. That last had me hopping up and down because Rockets is not your typical erotic romance. It’s hot, but not in the way an erotic romance reader might expect. So I’m delighted to get that sensuality perfect score!

I could say more about my feelings about eroticism and what makes a scene sexy but I think that’s going to have to wait for another day. Possibly later in the week while I whack away at what’s left on Dangerous, which is what I’m off to do now. Hope everybody’s Monday gets off to a great start!

EPPIE hurrahs

The EPPIE winners have been anounced. Wild cheers for Ellora’s Cave authors Joey Hill and Sarah McCarty and Scheherazade Tales author Sally Sorensen!

Busy with the book but I’ll have more bloggy stuff later. Or maybe tomorrow. My fabulous husband has been my sounding board this morning and I’ve got a grip on a. the real problem with my approach to Dangerous Games and b. my solution. He also reaffirmed my faith in the story. He’s a guy. He built a Harley Sportster from the frame up with his bare hands. He’s not a typical romance reader. And yet he loves this book and read it three times. More than that, he says of all the books he’s read in his life maybe 3 have had this kind of impact on him. “It hits you like a Mac truck,” he told me.

I love this book. I believe in this book. And I’m going to finish these edits and turn the thing in.

Hemingway, Dick and Jane style

Because Shannon put me up to it.

Big Two-hearted River

Nick wants to fish.
See Nick fish.
Fish, Nick. Fish.
Nick sees the river.
Nick is afraid.
The river is dark.
The river is scary.
Nick will not fish today.

I should enter the Fake Hemingway contest one of these years. That would be fun! And what does today’s entry have to do with writing? Sometimes you have to have fun with it. I’ve been banging my head against the wall with revisions and it was time to play.

Newsnewsnews and the winner!

Lots of news today. There’s a new review of Love and Rockets up on Coffee Time Romance. Reviewer Anya gives it 4 cups of coffee and has some really insightful remarks. Thank you, Anya!

Also, Love and Rockets is now listed on Amazon. It’s pretty cool to see it up there!

Ellora’s Cave news and this one’s important: Tina Engler AKA Jaid Black has an appearance on the Montel Williams show in which she pledges 15 cents from every E.C. ebook and print book sold for 30 days after the show airs to the Montel Williams Multiple Sclerosis foundation. I’ll post an update when the show airs which should be in 2-6 weeks. This is a great cause to support so please alert your book-buying friends!

And finally, the winner of my Read an eBook Week giveaway is…Larissa Ione! Larissa, I’ll send you an email to see what format you’d prefer. Thanks to everybody who participated!

Don’t fear the karma!

Picture my amazement when nobody commented yesterday! Spam Karma isn’t that scary, honest. We had to restrict the comments more tightly because spammers were getting through, but no legitimate post ever goes away. At worst a post gets tagged as spam and has to be manually approved, but posts do not get lost. They just might not show up immediately. It’s safe to comment here. Really!

Other than doing my bit to promote ebooks this week I’m still pounding my head against the wall with Dangerous. Things are getting better although I’m incredibly frustrated over the fact that I’m not FINISHED.

When you’re already frustrated, there’s nothing like a day at the doctor’s office getting weighed and measured. And to up the frustration factor, when I showed up for my appointment the first time, I was told I could wait an hour (because they were behind) or reschedule for later in the day. I opted to reschedule, and then at the appointed time I waited an hour anyway. All this so I could be told I’ve gained a total of 14 pounds in pregnancy, which I already knew from my bathroom scale. Gah! And to think I could have spent that time finding scenes I could expand further!

Off to expand those scenes.