I keep running into things I need to change in my desk setup to accomodate pregnancy. I’m using a foot rest. I’m adding a pillow to the small of my back to hopefully alleviate backache. And now my stomach pushes me too far back from the keyboard. Not sure what I’m going to do about that one. I wonder if anybody specializes in pregnancy ergonomics?

No BIAW progress yesterday due to various things, like my overwhelming need to sleep instead of write. Some days I’m very energetic all day long and other days I have sleep attacks. I try to maximize the good days to make up for it.

Aside from BIAW, I’ve been putting together a reading list for my maternity leave. So many good books coming up! Here’s a list of reading I’m really looking forward to:
LKH, A Stroke of Midnight
Lois McMaster Bujold, The Hallowed Hunt
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Sarah Bird, The Boyfriend School
Lillian Stewart Carl, The Secret Portrait, Lucifer’s Crown
Cricket Starr, Nemesis in the Garden, Echo in the Hall, Violet Among the Roses

Feel free to send me recommendations to add to the list!