My amazing husband has fixed my laptop. It had a run-in with the toddler. The screen went dark. My world went dark. But since I was brilliant enough to marry a renaissance man, all was not lost. It required taking the thing apart down to the last screw to isolate the broken part, which cost…$5.00. This is a miracle, because there are smaller parts in the iBook that cost $100 and more. Part was ordered, arrived, and last night husband reassembled iBook instead of playing Counter Strike. That’s a true sacrifice for a geek.

And now it works! It’s a thing of beauty! And if my dh had not been able to do this, the iBook would be scrap because the cost of repairs (hours of labor to take it totally apart and put it all back together) would have meant buying a new one. And since that’s not in the budget, I would be tragically sans laptop. Which matters right now, because I’m reaching the stage where sitting with my legs propped up using a lap desk is about all that’s comfortable for any length of time.

If you’re wondering why I call him a renaissance man, it’s because Mac repair is just one thing in his bag of tricks. He can do CAD. He can fix any kind of computer or network. He programs and does beautiful design work, including this website. Some his CSS designs can be found on CSS Zen Garden. He can build a Harley, change oil, repair engines, do anything involving “some assembly” for small children (yeah, some assembly required, like “you better have worked for Boeing in the past or you’re screwed”) and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. He draws and paints, his photography is everywhere. One of his current projects is designing the house we want to build in the future. Yes, up to code and to scale. 3D rendering, in fact.

He’s a total stud polymath. I am so lucky. And with the help of iBook, my productivity is about to go up exponentially.

In totally unrelated news, Jaynie attempted to post a thank you for Dangerous Games, which she now has in her clutches, but the blog spam killer shot her down. If this happens to you, sorry! Use the contact form on the site instead.