Yesterday was the last getting ready business for the new arrival. Sure, a term pregnancy is 40 weeks, but guess how many actually are “term”? Just in case our shows up early, we are now ready. Also, I got tired enough walking up one side of Walmart and down the other at this stage. Do I want to do that in another month? Hahahahaha!

(Yes, I know Walmart is evil, but they also have the best prices on baby gear and the Walmart in Sequim is a lot closer than the mall in Silverdale. When you live in a small town, you consider how far you want to drive to go shopping.)

Anyway, I can now put the getting-ready checklist out of my mind and focus on other things between now and the Big Day. Things like Dangerous Games releasing on Wednesay and Ellora’s Cavemen Legendary Tails 2 releasing June 21. And the fact that I haven’t turned in the sequel to Love and Rockets yet. Today I need to get my laptop synched with the desktop so I can work on it when I can’t sit at my desk any longer.

Happy Monday to all! And for those already at the RT convention, have a blast.