There was a truly terrible Ben Stiller movie on recently, which I watched with my daughter because we don’t allow her to watch anything but Disney Channel and that’s what was on. It made me realize that I’d only see two Ben Stiller movies I liked, and both of those I liked so much I wanted to buy them; Zoolander and Starsky and Hutch. What do these movies have in common? Owen Wilson.

Owen Wilson is one of those rare people who seem to bring out the best in others. Put him with Jackie Chan? I’m so there! With Ben Stiller, the byplay becomes truly entertaining instead of the kind of humor I don’t relate to. (Yes, I know lots of people loved Something About Mary. I just found it painful.)

Which made me think, “All of us need Owen Wilsons in our lives.” Not the actor. Those people who bring out the best in us, who raise our performance to a higher level.

There will always be people willing to criticize, judge, undermine and discourage us. No need to ever worry that we won’t have enough of those around! But the people who bring us up, we need them and sometimes they’re hard to find. When we do find them, they deserve our appreciation along with the very best we have to offer.

I’m grateful for the Owen Wilsons in my life. They make me better.