Since I’m on the official sick list (nothing lethal, don’t worry), I get to lay around reading with no guilt over the fact that I’ve left my imaginary friends hanging. Yesterday I re-read Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase, an old favorite. Today I have some EC books on my reading list. Here they are:

Erin’s Fancy, NJ Walters. Already up to chapter two and it’s very funny. For those who like the hot stuff without anything too whacky, this is an S-rated book and might just be up your alley.

A Fine Work of Art, Shelby Reed. Also an S-rated book, featuring a younger hero. I like the older woman, younger hero stories but there are very few of them out there. I’m looking forward to reading this one. It was also an EPPIE finalist.

Wildcat by Cheyenne McCray. I haven’t read any of Cheyenne’s books yet, pretty much because I want them in paperback. I dunno why, I just do. There’s a wild B&N spree in my future. But this one has a hot cowboy on the cover and I just couldn’t resist. Also it’s supposed to be funny. And it was an RT Top Pick. I wanted funny and sexy with a hot cowboy, it sounded like just the thing for a sick day.

What kinds of books do you look for when you’re feeling rotten and want to be swept away?