I posted my next RTB column (going live tomorrow) and it’s not the technical website-related post previously mentioned here. I came down with a hideous virus last week and was not up to finishing the technical details involved, even though I had it nearly complete. So I wrote on another topic that I’m pretty fired up about; my happy reading life. Because sometimes it seems like nobody else is having a good time between the covers of a book, with all the fuss about poor quality in books, too much of this, not enough of that, etc. Also, it didn’t require any research so I could get it done and posted on time.

The promised “all about websites” article will go up here sometime this week. I’d save it to post as my next RTB column, but that isn’t until July 2nd and this is the internet after all, so how long does anybody want to wait?

Still filled with delight over the JERR review of Love Spell. It is very, very hard to write a romance with happily ever after in 12,000 words or less! I found Love Spell a great technical challenge and it stretched me to write to that length. I enjoyed every minute of it, too. There’s nothing like writing short to force you to really focus on STORY. There’s no room for anything else! Also, it was fun to think about kinds of ideas that can’t support an entire novel but can be told fully in a novella or quickie length. It’s always good to flex your mental muscles in different directions. I realized some of the things sitting in my To Be Written pile were really suited to a shorter length.

Lastly, membership is starting to tally up for Sylvia Day’s ERWA chapter. For erotic romance writers out there who may not have heard about it yet, check it out and please consider joining. There’s lots to be done to make it an official RWA chapter but I think it could be a very positive addition to the organization and a wonderful platform for the voice of erotic romance. It also literally allows us to stand up and be counted. I just hope Sylvia’s ready to be voted Chapter President.