Since Sasha White and Meg Harris both tagged anybody who hadn’t done it yet, I consider me tagged. Here’s some bloggy amusement for today while I do my RTB columnist thing!

Total number of books I own: No idea. Seriously. But I think it took about 30 book boxes for us to move and we’ve bought more books since then. (There’s a reason we’re buying more and more ebooks!)

Last book I bought: Wildcard by Cheyenne McCray.

Last book I read: A Fine Work of Art by Shelby Reed. I’m not normally a fan of the deep emotional romance where there’s very little exterior plot and a lot of internal conflict (and surprisingly little dialog), but that’s her voice and it is astounding. She sucked me in, made me sniffle, and kept me breathless until the end. She made me care deeply about the characters from the very beginning. She had me at hello!

5 books that mean a lot to me:
A Wrinkle In Time, Madeleine L’Engle. By age 8 or so I was already reading Heinlein and Asimov, but here was juvenile SF with *gasp* romance! And a FEMALE protagonist!

A Stranger In a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein. An amazing book. I read it in junior high and it knocked my socks off. It still does. Michael Valentine Smith will live forever in my heart. And so will that crusty old Jubal Horshaw.

Dove, Robin L. Graham. For years after reading this I dreamed of learning to sail and sailing around the world. I still do, actually, although now I’d like to have a boat we used on weekends. For any long voyage I’d rather take a cruise!

Hearts Aflame, Joanna Lindsey. I love Vikings! First Viking romance I ever read. First Lindsey I ever read. And after this I studied everything she wrote. Learned much craft from Lindsey.

Of Men and Numbers, Jean Muir. The book that taught dyslexic me how to understand math.