Characters locked in the trunk

A funny online discussion this morning about works in progress. I have MANY ideas ready to be written and not nearly enough hours in the day. Long before I finish all the things I’ve got roughed out, more ideas show up. I had yet another one pop up and I said I was shoving the hero in the trunk along with everybody else to wait their turns. Which I realize sounds a little, well, strange. Keeping characters locked in a trunk?

That’s kind of how it works for me, though. I get an idea, I write down what I know, I stuff it into the trunk and go on with what I’m doing. Otherwise I’d be a chronic case of ADD, never finishing anything. And here’s the beauty of it, under the surface the idea starts to grow and take shape so that when I come back to it, the time in the trunk has matured the fledgling idea into a story that’s ready to write.

What do other writers do? Anybody else have a bunch of protesting heroes locked in a trunk?

Brain-dead blogging!

This is one of those days when I feel like I don’t have two brain cells to rub together. What’s a writer to do? Well, at the earliest opportunity I plan to take a nap. In the meantime I am going to read a chapter of something that will inspire me, probably On Writing because I haven’t pulled it out lately.

And when I sit down to do some writing, I will use the timer and write flat out, however badly, because Nicole Austin is kicking my butt in the word count race and I can’t have that. Also, I keep hearing from readers wanting the next story in each series I’ve got started. And Ellen Fisher has racked up 20K in 4 days despite working around 4 children, one of them an infant. Really, the universe is telling me, “You can do this, so get cracking!”

Anyway, since I have no profound thoughts today I’ll direct everybody to PaperBackWriter’s stunning article on how to write manly men.

Legendary Tails II has escaped and is shipping!

Not sure what happened, but there are reports that pre-orders of Ellora’s Cavemen Legendary Tails II from Books A Million and are shipping early and some readers have the paperback already. It’s not in stores yet and last time I checked isn’t live on the Ellora’s Cave site, but early release copies are on the loose.

It’s a truly terrific read. I’m delighted to have my story included in this collection that ranges from humorous to action to wicked romance. (I mean, there’s a story called Vampires and Donuts. How can you resist that?)

Anyway, I’ve got an excerpt from my contribution, Love Spell, on the Home page and also under Books. A fun story that I had more fun writing than I can say! For those who’ve read the blog from the beginning, Love Spell was the mystery project that I wrote to Want You Bad by The Offspring. Now it’s all grown up, sniff!

Editing this to add: Shiloh Walker reports that a local bookstore she did a signing near has already ordered Legendary Tails II, SOLD OUT, and ordered more copies! Sold out, holy cow!

And there is much rejoicing

Without even killing Sir Robin’s minstrel. (Sorry. Monty Python moments pop out all by themselves sometimes.) Ahem: my darling husband has just accepted the coolest job EVER! I won’t give you all the details, but it means he has to attend this every year. Oooooo!

It’s an awesome company, an incrdible opportunity, and it means many, many good things for us. There is much rejoicing in the Teglia household today.

*flings confetti in the air*


Sylvia Day has a great column up on Romancing The Blog today. All about author’s accessability online and how much is too much?

As far as being available, it’s all about priorities and how much energy and time an individual has, I think. I only have so much. I have far less now that I’m a parent than I did before, and when I add a second baby to the mix I will have even less time. There are many things I simply won’t be doing in the next year or two. For instance, when the Emerald City chapter was looking for speakers for this year’s conference, I didn’t jump up and volunteer. When that conference happens I will just be getting to the point where I’m getting a good night’s sleep again. Not a good time to take on that kind of activity. (I’d like to be there, maybe even go sign some books, see friends I haven’t seen since we moved. But doing a workshop is a whole level above that!)

I need to spend more time writing than I do being available because writing is my priority. I know that I would prefer my favorite authors spent more time putting out new books for me to read than chatting with me! That may not be everybody’s position, but it’s how I feel so that’s how I set my priorities. I do like having the ability to chat with readers, though. It gives me a real boost to know that people are waiting for my next book during those times when I’m not feeling very motivated. It’s a balance. And I think it’s the kind of thing you have to keep revisiting to keep in balance.

Then there’s the very real issue of TMI. I wanted my blog to be helpful, so I focus on things I think may be of help. Like balancing work and family, working from home, the many aspects to professional writing, craft issues, the art side of being a writer. I’m not completely impersonal, but I consider this a professional blog and as such there are many, many personal details that I feel just don’t belong here. But I try to be balanced about that so I sound like a real person and not a robot. That can get tricky; being real and personable without going into Jerry Springer territory. But that’s my aim here.

I’m sure you all have thoughts about this, so go tell Sylvia what you think! It’s a really good topic, lots of food for thought.

Aside from that, today’s the first day of a new schedule that will allow me daily writing time again. Hallelujah. For the last few months our schedule just hasn’t allowed it. The time I’ve had has been after putting the toddler to bed or during her naptime and due to pregnancy I’m snoozing right along with her at those times. Not very productive. So I asked if the schedule could be changed this weekend, the husband thought it made sense and moved the proposal forward, and it’s worked out to be a good thing for everybody. I now have a block of time in the mornings I can use every day and I have lots of goals I want to use that time to achieve. So I am probably going to switch my blogging time from morning to later in the day. I gotta get some pages done so Nicole and Larissa don’t get their whips out. ; )