I’m going to hurry up and blog while it’s in the “up” part of the cycle. #$&*! webhost. I have another 6 weeks or so and the current webhost contract expires, at which point we’re moving, probably to godaddy. The current host not only has issues with PHP but has gone steadily downhill in terms of uptime and the customer service is AWFUL. (powweb is the current host, if anybody out there is wondering who to avoid. They used to be a good deal, but I think they overextended, grew faster than they had the capability to provide good service for.)

Anyway, sorry about the downtime issues. For those trying to complete the scavenger hunt and win Legendary Tails II I’m sure it’s particularly irritating.

No Deep Thoughts today except Kassia’s post on RTB today made me think of a quote from Lois McMaster Bujold’s “A Civil Campaign”. There’s a scene where Ekaterine and Kareen are talking. Kareen is frustrated that she’s not being treated like an adult and Ekaterine says it’s not something you earn or get others to give you. It’s something you give yourself. Very dreadfully paraphrased, but that’s what came to mind about the whole “how can we respect romance” thing. It starts with us. We give it to ourselves.

And really, that applies to everything in life, too.