Yes, this IS big news in a small town. The local drive-in is open for the summer! Thursday through Sunday families will line up under the big Howdy Parnder sign and roll through the gates for an evening of movies and movable feasts. This weekend’s opening line-up: The Longest Yard and Sahara. Really hoping they’ll get the new Star Wars movie in soon! And Mr. and Mrs. Smith would be my top request.

Drive-ins aren’t so common any more, but we love the opportunity to get to watch movies on the big screen with small fry and not have to worry about them creating a disturbance or not getting them to bed when they’re tired. Last summer we took Alex in her jammies, tucked her into her carseat with a bottle and Ion the Lion when the sun went down, and she snoozed while we enjoyed the show. Ideal.

*Edited to add a link so anybody who wants to can see where the fabulous Wheel-In is and what it looks like.

Back from doctor appointments and bookstore. I’m fine, the baby’s fine, and if baby suddenly decides the time has come, I’ve got a nice stack of books to read. Although as an FYI to anybody who gets stumped searching for it, If Angels Burn is shelved in Romance, not SF/F. Seems like half the books on my list weren’t shelved where I expected them to be, but the friendly people at B&N helped me locate everything I wanted.