I shouldn’t have read PBW’s blog this morning before doing my own, because how can I top that? But here’s my day: two doctor’s appointments, during which I plan to grovel, plead and possibly even threaten for action on the baby front. A trip to the bookstore because once there IS action on the baby front I need something to read! I’ve got a nice list compiled. And the husband and I are going to try to squeeze in haircuts because I’ve been fretting over the possibility of mom and baby photos with Wild Hair captured for posterity. OK, so my hair is always wild, but cutting tames it to a manageable level.

My reading list of course includes If Angels Burn so I can participate in the AK Bookclub. I’ve held off reading it because I knew I wouldn’t get any work done until I’d finished it. But I’ve gotten zero done for the last two weeks anyway so I might as well start enjoying my maternity leave.

Jordan Summers has a thoughtful post on what we wish we’d known before publishing. I haven’t come up with any stunners because I think I had a pretty realistic view of what life after The First Sale would be like, although I didn’t fully anticipate the scope of my job change. I expected my responsibilities to double, but they actually quadrupled. Which means to get the same amount of writing done, I need four times the time. Fortunately, I write fast and I have a huge stockpile of pre-developed ideas that are researched and ready to write. And I’m organized.

I’m grateful for my writing life in so many ways. I’m grateful for the outlet it gives me, for the opportunity to manage a family and a career at the same time, for the connections it’s brought me with readers and others in the industry. And today I am hoping to see my book on the shelves in a store for the first time. (B&N is reportedly shelving Legendary Tails II already.) Every business has its share of challenges, but nothing brings me the kind of joy writing and publishing does. I wouldn’t change a thing.