Book In a Week starts today and with the aid of astounding quantities of Kona coffee percolating through my cardiovascular system and flooding my synapses I expect to hammer out some pages. I have one fairly predictable block of time each day when the infant and toddler are both asleep and I’m going to use it for BIAW.

Dunno what’s going on with the coyote population around here, but yesterday there was a new sign tacked up in the hiking area at Fort Worden: Warning, aggressive coyotes. Keep all pets leashed, watch small children. The sign wasn’t there last weekend. Last summer there was an outbreak of distemper in the racoons, this year maybe there’s something similar happening with the coyotes. Since our house is in the same wooded trail vicinity as the warning, I’m trying to find out what’s up and if we should keep the cats indoors during the day, too.