I didn’t know it was Wednesday until I stuck my head into EC Chat and saw the announcement that the new releases were out. Holy cow. What happened to Monday and Tuesday? What is it about feeding a newborn every 3 hours that makes the days pass in a blur? Besides sleep deprivation, I mean. I think it’s the loss of a clearly defined 24 hour day. My life is divided into approximately 3 hour segments and the standard day has no meaning in Baby Time Warp.

And that reminds me, I was pretty sure the whole donut fetish would end with pregnancy, but then I found myself thinking that when we relocate to cut down the husband’s commute, we’ll be a mere 10 minute drive and 30 minute ferry ride away from Krispy Kreme. When will it end? Will I wind up in chocolate cake donut rehab when Morgan starts kindergarten?

Well. Time to hit the coffee pot and see what evil I can perpetrate on my defenseless characters today. Mwahaha.

Editing to add: Just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Things are shaping up about as I expected, and there are a few more things I expect to see in book 7. Great story! Can’t wait for the next book! And now, if you want spoilers, rush over to the discussion on Shannon’s blog.