I’ve had this story kicking around for some time that I haven’t known what to do with, and now things have changed in the market to the point that I see a good place to send it.

All I have to do is write a synopsis. For a story that isn’t finished.

For many writers, not a big deal. For me, problemlatic because my synopsis before a story is done tends to be a road map for the story but not exactly a detailed plot outline. My guide is my theme. In this case, I have the theme, the core of the story, and I’ve got the first chapter done. From this I need to hash out a reasonably coherent synopsis that would make an editor believe I actually know what I’m doing. (My subconscious always knows what it’s doing. It just doesn’t always let my conscious mind in on the plan.)

I’m tackling this today powered by sludge and coffee, both of which I have in industrial-sized containers thanks to Costco. No fear of running out. I will see if I can’t get subconcious Writing Brain to cough up enough clues for conscious Thinking Brain to work with. Or hope what I’ve got written is so gripping that coupled with my background (I’ve finished books before when I knew less than this going in! And readers bought them!) that Mystery Editor will take a chance on me.

Oh, damn, now I’ve got that ABBA song stuck in my head.