Finished The Synopsis and trotted it on down to the post office along with the rest of the Blaze contest entry. You never can tell, I could be the lucky winner of a year’s supply of books! It felt very strange to be sending something out by snail mail again. I’ve gotten used to doing everything via email.

Which made me think to myself, “I should probably blog something about why I’m shopping different projects around.” Because I’ve already said I love EC and have no plans to leave EC and that must seem confusing.

It’s like this: not everything I write is going to be a good fit there. And that whole burnout problem would probably strike at some point if everything did. Some of my stories are more steamy than erotic or mildly erotic and those are stories I think would do better with Red Sage, Brava or possibly Blaze. I want every story I write to find the best possible home, and when you don’t always write the same thing that means having more than one publisher.

Starting to shop for alternate markets feels a little like having to date again after being happily married, but I’m jumping in there and going postal.

In writing news, I’m finishing a Quickie and then I have the sequel to Love and Rockets to do. A reader asked me the other day why there wasn’t any information on When Sparks Fly on my site and I realized I don’t have a series section. My bad. So I’ll be starting a series section for both Sparks and Dangerous, because those both have sequels coming. I’m working on a few other site updates, too.