Is it just me, or has blogland become really quiet lately? I imagine netizens hunkered down in front of their solitary computers like cowboys camping on the plain, the distant lights from lonely campfires dotting the landscape of cyberspace.

Well, if you wander into my camp today, sit down, have some coffee and swap stories with me. I’ll tell you about the dream I had last night: I was at an awards ceremony reading off the winners, and I was one of them. I won the John W. Campbell award for Ginger 31. I had no memory of writing Ginger 31, but before I could read it to see what I’d written that was so great, I had to hand back the winning entries.

What’s kind of interesting is that after I woke up and thought about it, I realized Ginger 31 was an android in a SF short I wrote a while ago. Maybe my subconscious is telling me to go dust off some more of my stuff that’s laying around. I slated several of my shorts to rework as longer stories a year ago, but that was one I left alone.

How about you, any interesting dreams lately? And do you ever find that they point you in a useful direction?