Yesterday I got a good reminder on the importance of refilling the well. It’s very easy to get priorities mixed up and start pouring out energy and effort, and then suddenly run dry because, well, the well ran out. Doing those things that refill the well are essential in order to keep being productive.

Things that recharge me include writing, reading, and working out. Yep, writing refuels me. Should be the opposite, I know, but I find it’s true. The more I write, the more I have to write about.

Thanks to Paperback Writer’s book discussion, I found out that a book I’ve wanted to read for months was on Project Gutenberg. I promptly downloaded it, put it into my eReader software and transferred the book to my handheld. I find it easiest to read on my handheld while holding the baby, much easier than a “real” book which requires me to turn pages. I can hold and thumb the page down button with one hand. I’ve now read three chapters of my long-anticipated book during feedings. Good for the energy well.

The book, btw, is “Three Men In A Boat”. I read Connie Willis’ “To Say Nothing Of The Dog” which spoofs this book (and has the characters from it appear in one scene, too) several months ago and put it on my list of books to look for. Never crossed my mind to look on Project Gutenberg, but there it was! If you enjoy P.G. Wodehouse, the style and setting are very similar. I recommend “Three Men In A Boat” for a fun, light read.

How do you know your well is running dry? The symptoms are discontent, tiredness, lack of enthusiasm, feeling like everything is Work and Drudgery and finally stewing resentment and exhaustion. My agenda for today includes catching up on household tasks and writing another 1K and the usual child tending but I’m also going to read as much of my book as time allows. Be good to yourself today, too, and fill up your well!