I got over a thousand words yesterday, more than my goal. Fill the well and the well becomes a fountain. I’m shooting for a thousand words a day lately because it seems to be the amount I can easily fit in without strain. It’s never good to work at your maximum and try to keep it up day after day. That’s okay for short sprints, but not for the long term. A thousand words a day seems to be a pretty sustainable pace for me, so until things change significantly that will continue to be my goal.

I used to go by pages, but when I started writing in the EC standard format it threw me off because it was a lot more than my previous page count but not quite an even multiple so it was hard to measure how much I was actually doing. Then I started noticing how many words I tended to write in any given session, and that’s around a thousand words, which is how I arrived at my present goal.

I don’t really believe in being a production Nazi (you must do so many pages/words a day) because I think it varies radically from person to person, how much is comfortable and sustainable. Sustainable is really the key. Find what works for you and keep it up is my motto. And be flexible because life will change and you may have to change with it. For now, with two small children, I’m happy with my present pace.

Anyway, I forgot to mention in the blog that the rescheduled booksigning (had originally been early September, got moved to Sept. 17) also had to be cancelled because the books are in transit but not in store yet. So I’ll see what I can do for that now, and in the future I won’t try to schedule anything until after books are already in store. Lesson learned! (Yes, that means Love and Rockets will actually be on shelves in stores sometime this week or near the end of September. Let me know if you spot it!)