Can’t think of any exciting blog topics today because my head is full of story. It tends to sort of take over near the end, and I’m there. I actually ended up with 2k words yesterday because I got a second writing session in after getting the kids to bed. And now I’m at the “why can’t I write constantly” stage because it’s snowballing downhill to the end. Worked out a couple of potential plot kinks and the logic holds, so I’m very happy with what I’ve got. I will see how far I can get today, I’d love to be able to squeeze in another two sessions. But if I get one, I’ve met my goal.

Oops, forgot to add: Catalyst is now off of Read For Relief and I’ll get my site updated ASAP to reflect that. It has to be completely off the market to proceed with Cerridwen. I’d have taken it down sooner but didn’t know how and the husband has been working a bazillion hours and didn’t have time. All proceeds from Catalyst will continue to go to Katrina relief.