I keep seeing all these, well, rules. Rules about how to blog, how to attract more readers to your blog, what an author should or shouldn’t on pain of death (or loss of book sales) blog about. It’s all kind of depressing. Reminds me of those books that used to tell me I wasn’t a real writer if I didn’t write a 20 page outline and use 3×5 scene cards to plot my story in advance. And that GMC stuff.

In some ways I can see the point; if a blog is so offensive that it drives away readers, that’s a Bad Thing from a marketing standpoint and I can see why publishers and agents would frown on that. But a blog by its nature is personal, at least to a degree. And honest. And there’s that Julia Cameron quote I love about it being nearly impossible to be honest and boring at the same time. If I write a dishonest blog, I wouldn’t want to keep doing it and I can’t imagine why anybody would want to read it. Also, if I want to make stuff up, I go write fiction and get paid! I don’t get paid for blogging. So I think I should at least be free to ignore The Rules. After all, anybody who doesn’t like my blog is free to not read it. ; )

I’ve finished The Blurb for Wolf and I’m pretty happy with it. It’s solid, maybe needs a little minor tweak before I send it off, but a good blurb. I have story cleanup to do, but the bulk of Wolf is done. I’ll be spending the next few days polishing, refining and tweaking and then it’ll get sent off. I’d be done sooner, but I seem to have come down with bronchitis so I’m going to take it easy the next few days. (If you’ve ever had it before, that ache in the chest is unmistakable.)