I’m just about done with revising Wolf, and I’m really pleased with the story. It’s a very ambitious kind of story, especially for the length and I love how it works. Lots to do today so I’m going to blog and run and maybe post some more later if I get a chance. Picture me with my nose to the grindstone and one eye on the calendar.

Forgot to add: Romance Junkies gave Catalyst 4.5 Blue Ribbons. Review won’t post until Cat re-releases, but I got an advance copy. : ) Here’s a quote from reviwer Chrissy:
“CATALYST had me laughing out loud over the antics of Sebastian in all his territorial male glory. I could easily picture this mangy tomcat acting like the lord and master over Veronica and running off any men that come into the vicinity. Veronica’s obsession over the need for coffee and the loss of the coffee bean grinder is what initially brings Veronica and Scott together, but a mutual need for each other keeps them coming back. Charlene Teglia’s CATALYST is fast paced, a pleasure to read, and will have you smiling through to the end.”

I should have some news on the status of Catalyst after my editor gets back from vacation. I’ll update the book page as soon as I get more information.