A huge thank you to my husband who entered in all the site updates this morning. I think everything is now up to date and consistent. And there’s a new excerpt for Love Spell, the infamous restaurant scene. On the EC site because it’s a 6 author anthology there wasn’t room for a very long excerpt. But this is the excerpt that makes everybody say “WOW”, so it’s the one I wanted on my site.

I have a WOW scene for Wolf, too. *wink* Hopefully I’ll have that under coming soon, um, soon. I’m going to shoot the dang manuscript with a silver bullet if it isn’t off my desk and on somebody else’s by the end of this week. I’m rapidly approaching the point where if it can be better or if there are mistakes to fix, somebody else is going to have to point that out. I may launch it to Suz more in a spirit of desperation than celebration, but hey, whatever gets it out the door.