Reviewing the past year, I’m fairly pleased with the results. 5 releases, four of them full-length novels. (Dangerous Games is 45 K which is shortish but still over the mark for a novel.) Good reviews, good sales, happy readers. During this time I had a pregnancy and a major move, two fairly big interruptions in my workflow.

So now that I’m done with having babies and moving, I’m looking ahead at what I want to have by this time next year. Actually, I’ll just round off to the end of 2006, which I want to end with a baker’s dozen of tales under contract. Not all of them full-length novels. With 5 down (and almost 6), that’s 7 more finished and submitted stories. Although if I sell something on proposal, that would count, too. Very doable, especially considering my backlog of ready-to-write stories, the endless fount of new stories, and the champing-at-the-bit feeling from all the down time I’m eager to make up for.

Yes, I know what they all are. I’d list them here, but I think it’s best not to give away titles/plot lines too much in advance of announcing a done deal. I do have the list in front of me, though, because I find that the more specific a goal is, the easier it is to achieve. Wishing all of you clarity and energy to achieve your goals.

Almost totally well again. And I’m getting good at staying awake and upright until 9:00 p.m. Progress!