We all came down with some horrible bug yesterday. Today’s better. I can stay upright so far without trouble, the husband’s feeling good enough to go to work, the toddler looks like her usual perky self. The baby seems to have missed whatever got the rest of us, although she was a little warm and fretful. But all in all I think it’s over. I still have lots of work to do on The Gripping Beast before I turn it back in and so I’ll keep at it. Just the usual craziness here, books and babies with a few Vikings mixed in.

Oh, yes, and I did comment on the word count issue that’s raging across the blogosphere at Shannon’s. I hope that people who are thinking, “I’ll never buy those books again” will stop to consider that length is no guarantee of quality. I’ve read some horrendous 400 page novels and some supremely good novels barely long enough to rate the name. Of all the criteria I base my buying and reading decisions on, length of book is not one of them.