Man-hating Cat Foils Romantic Plans, Provides Hurricane Relief
Sebastian, the man-hating feline star of Catalyst, has a special job to do this December. Along with thwarting romance and creating chaos, he’s helping those hit by Hurricane Katrina enjoy a little holiday cheer.

Although the surly cat wasn’t available for comment, the author Charlene Teglia assures us that all royalties for Catalyst, her December Cerridwen Press romantic comedy release, go to Katrina relief and not to support Sebastian’s penchant for gourmet kitty treats.

Yule Be Mine, but not for long!

Yule Be Mine is going out of print, but still available on and through the end of 2005.

Proof of Global Warming: Reports of Heat Wave in December!
Ellora’s Cave author NJ Walters claims she didn’t cause global warming with her latest story which reportedly sent temperatures soaring to unseasonal highs with Heat Wave.

Maybe not, but it’s entirely possible one person who claims the elevator scene cured her claustrophobia may prove valid.

Spicy Advice
By Spicy Spiel

Dear Spicy,
I can’t seem to find a man worth dating. I’m about to give up on the whole thing and go shopping instead. Any advice?
Dateless in Detroit

Dear Dateless,
Why not do both, and utilize Melanie Blazer’s novel approach, Brand Name Dates? Shop Cerridwen Press for this chick lit gem and then shop for a new man in the new year who’ll fit you like your favorite flannel jammies.